Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Truth About Relationships

   So, lately I have been in that weird stage of life where I feel like almost all of my friends either like someone, are in a relationship or getting married. (If you think I'm joking, you should see my news feed. It's like a Nicolas Sparks movie.) 
   Now, I'm not saying this is a bad thing. Friends are getting together that I have been hoping would get together for years. So, yay!
   But one time, I overheard a woman at the grocery store say, "I honestly just want someone that's going to love me. Someone that will make me feel perfect and wanted. That's all I want."
   As I was thinking about this, I realized how much I disagreed with it.
   You don't go into a relationship wanting to feel good, or to have someone else love you and tell you that you're perfect.
   Something that God has been showing me is that in any relationship (Friendship, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.) the whole point of the relationship should be about the other person, not about you.
   If you date someone simply because they make you feel good, you're going to be miserable. Because there will be moments when you don't feel good around them.
   To me, when you go into a relationship, it should be because you like the other person so much that you want to spend more time and more energy to make them happy. 
   Because think about it. What if you had two people in a relationship that were so entirely focused on making the other person happy? You would have two very happy people. 
   I think in today's society we have fallen into the trap of selfishness. We want what we want when we want it, and we want it now. We want someone else to make us feel good, make us feel accepted. When in truth, the only person that is ever going to make you feel 100% accepted is Jesus. 
   What if, instead of trying to find someone that will make you happy, you tried to find someone to make them happy?

- "Love is not singular except in syllable." - Marvin Taylor 
- "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends." - John 15:13

   Just food for thought. ;)

1 comment:

  1. So true. This really helps to put things into perspective!
