Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I'm Weird.

I am so so weird. 

I don't say this in a weird/condescending way about myself. I am just stating a fact. I. Am. Weird. 

But that's a good thing.

A few weeks ago, one of my friends said to me, "You like some of the weirdest things. I don't understand you at all." I think they meant it as a joke, but, at the time, I didn't think it was very funny. 

"I am weird," I thought in response to that comment. Yeah. I like stuff that not very many people like, and, if you ask about my latest obsession, I will talk your ear off about it. 

That night, as I was sitting in bed reading Treasure Island by Robert Lewis Stevenson for the umpteenth time, I started to feel a bit insecure. Was I weird? Was I too weird? 

I started to think about all of the things about myself that people might consider "weird". I don't like olives. I am a total History nerd.  Disney movies are really the only movies that I watch. Yeah. I am weird. 

But, in the back of my mind, I heard this tiny little voice (AKA Jesus) say, "You're weird because I made you weird. The unique things about you, I will use for my Kingdom." 

Naturally, I laughed at the tiny little voice. I randomly shuffled through my list of weirdness, and thought , "If you made me this way, then have my love for... Disney movies benefit your Kingdom." 

As I am beginning to learn, I think Jesus does things in our lives, sits back, and smiles to himself a bit. 

The next morning, I received a Facebook message from one of my friends asking if I would be willing to go up with her and few other girls dress up like Disney princesses and go to a Children's Hospital. 

At the time, I didn't piece this together at all. 

But a few weeks later, there I was, in full costume as Rapunzel (My favorite Disney princess too, I might add), standing in a Meet and Greet line talking to little kids. 

There was this one girl (We will call her "Suzy") that just ran up to me. 

"Rapunzel!" She cried, and gave me the biggest hug ever (Like, it knocked me back a bit). 

For the next few minutes, she just talked and talked about how Tangled was her favorite movie. She wanted to know how Pascal and Maximus and Eugene were doing, how long it took me to brush my hair in the morning, etc. And then we talked about how long it took her to do her hair (She had long blonde hair like Rapunzel) She just talked and talked and talked. 

And I got to sit there and listen with the biggest smile on my face.

After hugging "Suzy" goodbye, her mother came up to me. She, too, gave me a hug and said, "Today was a really rough day. We just got back from seeing the Doctor and..." She sighed. "And seeing you all here just made her (Suzy's) day. Thank you." She gave me another hug and said, "I don't think it was a coincidence that you were here today." 

Now, I don't know if she was a Christian or not, or if she was thinking at all about a divine plan when she said that. But for me, that was a wake up call. 

"If you made me this way, then have my love for... Disney movies benefit your Kingdom." 

I could almost hear Jesus laughing a bit. 

He had taken the most random thing about me, and shown me that He could use it for His glory. He took the fact that I am a sucker for musical numbers, and magic, glowing hair, and floating lanterns, and used that to help make a little girl's day better. 

That, to say the least, changed how I viewed myself. 

Every little thing about me, and I mean every little thing (My hair, my height, my fascination with aquariums, hey, even my shoe size), was specifically created for God to use to benefit his Kingdom. Every. Little. Thing. 

For example: 
My blonde hair. I have had people start up whole conversations with me by first talking about my hair. Conversations that opened up a door to a stranger that otherwise would have been closed to me. 

My love for coffee. I once got into intense conversation with a barista at Starbucks about the different kinds of coffee. And that conversation eventually morphed into him sharing his whole life story with me. And then I was able to share mine. And then we started to talk about Jesus. 

I'm not insecure about myself anymore. About how much I adore hummingbirds, or how many people think that my passion for music is a bit strange. Yes. I still think I am weird. But I am intentionally weird. 

And now, I am filled with anticipation. How is He going to use my love for Converse to benefit His Kingdom? How is He going to use my need to always have a clean windshield while driving to benefit His Kingdom?

I am weird. I am so weird. And I love it.

So, now I am going to ask you something. Think of the most random, strange, weird thing about you.   

How do you think God is going to use that "weird" thing to benefit His Kingdom? Because I am willing to bet that He will use that "weird" thing in the most amazing, life-changing way possible. 

Enjoying my weirdness,
Kimberly :)


  1. This was so encouraging, Kimberly! And such a fun read :) Please keep up with your posts... I am loving them SO much :)

  2. you are goals. wow.

    I love this post. it was so inspirational and beautiful.

    I always worry that I'm too weird and I often tone myself down for other people and like, compress who I really am. I'm getting a lot better at not doing it, but I still have my days.

    I love your blog! You've got a new follower here:) I love coffee and Jesus so we should get along quite well.

    Have a nice day love:) keep following the Lord.

    1. Thank you so much! I am so glad that you enjoyed it! And I do the same thing sometimes (Compressing my weirdness). I still struggle with trying to just be my weird self. :)

      And if you like coffee and Jesus... Yes. We will get along quite well! ;)

  3. Wow! Thank you for sharing this! I'm 45 years old and I have "battled" my weirdness for the longest time. Even today, as I sat down to work on my novel, I prayed that God would use my gift as a writer and my passion for fantasy and science-fiction for His honor and His glory. Thank you for this inspiration today. Write on!

    Steve <><
